Sep 25, 2009


I hate being homeless. ('Tis why I haven't blogged)

Being a beggar is bad enough but when I have nowhere to live It gets me down.

I've sorted out an expensive hovel to live in next week, claustrophobia here I come.

Aryan Invasion and Bloody Genetics

A lot of Indians I've met don't like the idea of an Aryan invasion.

I suppose they like to believe that they created the nasty Caste system without whitey.

I suppose there's also that niggling embarrassment that the richest place on Earth was somehow conquered by a few thousand Brits.

Sep 1, 2009

Daily Mail

I met the Daily Mail at a very young age.... my old man read it. I started with Fred Basset and Fluke but slowly progressed.

I always found it to be pure evil but very enlightening.

The fact that it is popular should remind everyone that human salvation is not possible.

Anyway, I still flick across its pages (as I do most rags), but I now get a regular chuckle from doing its online polls and trying to get the no answer.

Okay its not hard, but for some disturbed reason I find it to be fun!

Portsmouth Council, Facebook and the Daily Mail

Shock horror, number monkeys in the gutter press are feasting on the fact that council workers spend 572 hours a day on Facebook...

Get back to work.

Aug 22, 2009

Yo Trotty the Trott!

You've made my day dude.

Scotland the Brave.

How dare they show mercy!

Every Christian must prey for vengeance on Sunday.

I shall pray for America.

Aug 14, 2009

Daniel Hannan tells it like it is..

Tory slap-head Daniel Hannen told the world that his mother should have been sterilised long before conceiving such a shite as himself.

In a rare grasp of reality the eloquent yet hopelessly thick sewer breath Hannen told the whole of America,

"if only the NHS had snipped the bitch, England could rejoice".

Loopy (so called) libertarians barked with rapturous joy at "their" man's honesty.

Aug 12, 2009

Right Wing Thickies

Nasty Moron Investors Business Daily has claimed that we Brits would let super cripple Stephen Hawkins die 'cos he's a spaz.

Without engaging their brain cell they failed to notice that he's one of us.

Grow up America. Sort out your healthcare, it's kinda civilising.

Aug 8, 2009

Rain, Rain go away...

I'm in shock, it didn't rain yesterday...

It looks like another dry day today, time for a long walk....

Jul 27, 2009

Harry Patch

I've a soft spot for 'arry.

He 'ated war an' dinna wanna go.

That's fair enuff....

But I'm completely fucked off with the modern middle class.

Not only do they hate history.. they hate those that created it.

PSST.... everyone I ever met, enjoyed killing.. I curse the fact that I was born in such dreary years....

Jul 24, 2009

Liverpool Jury

Unless you kill a kid or "one of their own", it's hard to be found guilty in Liverpool.

The flu advice website, covering England, crashed on Thursday after it was overwhelmed with 82 billion hits a year.

Wow, that's so many people worried about swine flu!

Jul 21, 2009

Class War

The unsurprising fact that a privileged start tends to lead to a privileged profession cannot possibly surprise anyone. (Except a few Daily Mail privately educated morons).

Now I wonder. How many public school kids end up beggars?

Jul 20, 2009

Andrew Strauss should go...

Yesterday's cheating has to be enough to see this man off.

Cricket is a game to be played fairly. I hated the 'gamesmanship' at Cardiff but claiming this catch was too much....

Jul 18, 2009

Strauss has just blown it.

Andrew Strauss is an idiot.

I've no idea why he didn't make Australia follow on....

What a Moron....

Back to the rum....

Jul 17, 2009

Manchester United have cancelled the Jakarta tour

Indonesian hotel bombers have just incurred the wrath of millions of their fellow countrymen.

It's not just the State they have to fear. Every Red Devil will take this very personally.....

Jul 11, 2009

Let them eat cack

Removing "junk food" from the school menu means 400,000 children have abandoned school dinners.

This is fine. We should never pander to such folk. The rest will benefit immensely.

Jul 9, 2009

Crikey, Nikola Tesla!

I've just noticed that Google have highlighted Nikola Tessla.

Good on them. At last many of the good folk at the pub will now have heard of him.

Another drink for me.

Zen and the Art of Cricket

I like the Ashes.

England and Australia still take this anachronistic pleasure seriously.

For an impetuous man with infinite patience, this is much needed therapy.

Climate Change Halted

Our glorious Leaders have agreed to limit global temperature rise to two degrees.

And I promise you ignorance and happiness.

Jul 1, 2009

Freedom is given

" ID cards will never be compulsory for Britons"....

That's right. They will merely be required.

Oh well.. It's a good day for ugly fruit. (Something that always annoyed me.)

Jun 13, 2009

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Congratulations dude!

It's not everyday you secure 103% of the vote.

Jun 12, 2009

$135 Billion

That's $135 Billion of US bonds.. or is it.

The tale of two Japanese(?) blokes trying to get into Switzerland with $135 billion hidden away is too much for me.

Is it real? are the Japs dumping dollars?

Or is it fake and North Korea (guessing) are trying it on as usual?

If they are real, that would be a laugh...

Jun 8, 2009

Labour death. Slow and painful

Labour's dire night ended with them taking less than 6% of possible votes.

Losing Wales to the Tories, even hurts me.

The Liberals were unable to capitalise on this...

The Lib/Lab merger is surely now inevitable.


The tragedy last night was the success of UKIP.

UKIP are the small minded, uber nasty side of the Tories.

They are a Daily Mail/Telegraph imbroglio of selfish stupidity...

They remind me why I am a Hermit....

BNP Congratulations..

There is no greater pleasure than the sight of duplicitous gits in a state of apoplexy.

Their hatred of poor whites has given you the token victory you craved.

I'm sure you will enjoy your day.

May 30, 2009

Diversity ...Britain's got taste

I'm so pleased these dudes won the freak show..
They are stunning to watch.

Common Sense

I'm fed up with the quality of modern thinking.... So I thought I would reread something by a great thinker.

I recommend Thomas Paine to everyone.

May 29, 2009

Life on my own planet

At present I'm staying drunk etc.. and listening to Satie.

May 21, 2009

Bilberry Bread

I can't be bothered with politics and economics at the moment, I've got a bread machine.

I tried baking once, a long time ago and found it messy and the result disappointed. But this is brill! No fuss, no mess and tasty bread any style I choose.

Right now I'm eating bilberry bread made with all those bilberries I froze last year and it is great.

I'm even putting weight on, which is a novelty for me.... although I imagine that could wear thin.

May 11, 2009

Westminster thieves

I've enjoyed this week's exposure of MP's greedy expenses claims.

The best bit is their excuse that they "were just following orders", sorry "rules".

This tragically shows that many people cannot distinguish between right and wrong, only legal and illegal.

Should a beggar pity his Master? maybe.

May 6, 2009

No IDea

Jacqui Smith just can't help herself (apart from to other peoples' money that is). Today she insists on introducing ID cards even though millions of us just won't comply.

Oh well, I suppose some people just can't resist the urge to control others.

And just to make sure she looks doubly stupid she's now banned nasty, shock-jock nutter Michael Savage from the Country.

Jacqui, you just don't get it, do you...

May 1, 2009

May Day Mayday!

This household is now a fully fucked up member of the Depression...

Nobody works here anymore....

It should prove interesting, if not pleasant.

Apr 27, 2009

bluebell therapy

I like Mondays, the woods are busy without people.

Apr 26, 2009

FAT PIGS cause global warming.

Or is it swine flu? (I like the name)
Either way we're all gonna die.

Apr 24, 2009

golden age

To think, it's less than two years ago since Gordon Brown fawned shamelessly with London's bankers, praising them on their "ingenuity and creativity," which had ushered in "an era that history will record as the beginning of a new golden age."

As the economy continues to implode at a rate of 1.9% a quarter, I almost feel pity for this sick, deluded, sociopath.

Of course I don't, he should be be hung, drawn and quartered like the traitor he is.

Apr 23, 2009

Bugger off

Up to 10% of the UK's top earners might leave due to yesterday's income tax hike to 50 whopping pence on income above £150,000.

Aww.. is that all. We won't miss you.

Apr 21, 2009

I love people....

Economics = human ingenuity/endeavour + natural resources.

Any fool that believes money is real is already beaten.

pain for me...

miserable kids

It would appear that we Brits enjoy being miserable from an early age.

Am I the only one that isn't particularly perturbed by the Child Poverty Action Group's findings?

Sure, we Brits may not do fluffy, pastel, cute like those Scandinavians, but hey.. there's a sense of adventure in our lives that they just don't get.

I know which I prefer.

Apr 14, 2009

power to the people

Yesterday a hundred odd people were arrested before they made the attempt to take out my power station.

Oi, you middle class little shitester know-it-alls... if you wanna complain take on those with power.

Why not kidnap the bosses?

There are many ways to make a point which do not involve pissing off the poor.

Do you really think taking out my lecky would endear me and my neighbours to accept your certainties?

Oh, and I recommend "The man who was Thursday" by Chesterton to all you noble creatures...

Apr 11, 2009

Great Expectations

I've just spent the afternoon with an old frend.

Methinks that he regrets not having children.

Apr 7, 2009

Home Sweet Home

The G20 saved the world

The Revolution was contrived

Oh well, It's good to be home... I think.

Apr 1, 2009

Twisted Fire Starter

iy'm up, tiss'early 'n' I'ym in fukkin London..

Maddness awaits: Love t'yer'all.

Non:collaborator, is off to play. g'luk...

Mar 31, 2009

hi diddly dee it's anarchy for me

I've no idea why the State and the Media have invited us all to this party.

Sod it. Time to let my heart rule....

I've got everything I need, save my youth.

Oh, and welcome to England, Leaders of the World.

Mar 29, 2009

London Tourist

It's great to be back in London.

Treking the museums is always a joy.

Ah, so much to do and so little time to do it.

Jacqui Smith's hubby is a wanker.

Richard Timney enjoys a bit of lonesome porn.

And let's face it, even with old Jackboot Jacqs to play with, why not.

Next time could you please pay for it yourself..

Actually you really made me laugh. Could you please send me a photo Jacq's face when she heard this news?

Mar 27, 2009

Hitch to London

Thought I'd stick my thumb out and arrive early, there's some hippy nonsense tomorrow. Still, it's all grist to my mill...

The pic had me in stitches. I'm losing hours every minute.

Mar 25, 2009

Dear Fred, yours with hate..

"bank bosses are criminals" claimed the vandal(s) who smashed a few of Fred the Shred's windows. I'm guessing their anger is personal.

The message, "We are angry that rich people, like him, are paying themselves a huge amount of money, and living in luxury, while ordinary people are made unemployed, destitute and homeless.

"This is a crime. Bank bosses should be jailed.

"This is just the beginning."

They claim to only want him jailed... How sweet I thought..

Many have picked up on the "this is just the beginning." Which pleasantly reminds me just how much they fear the poor... and that made me feel sweet.

Sweat you bastards.