Jun 13, 2009

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Congratulations dude!

It's not everyday you secure 103% of the vote.

Jun 12, 2009

$135 Billion

That's $135 Billion of US bonds.. or is it.

The tale of two Japanese(?) blokes trying to get into Switzerland with $135 billion hidden away is too much for me.

Is it real? are the Japs dumping dollars?

Or is it fake and North Korea (guessing) are trying it on as usual?

If they are real, that would be a laugh...

Jun 8, 2009

Labour death. Slow and painful

Labour's dire night ended with them taking less than 6% of possible votes.

Losing Wales to the Tories, even hurts me.

The Liberals were unable to capitalise on this...

The Lib/Lab merger is surely now inevitable.


The tragedy last night was the success of UKIP.

UKIP are the small minded, uber nasty side of the Tories.

They are a Daily Mail/Telegraph imbroglio of selfish stupidity...

They remind me why I am a Hermit....

BNP Congratulations..

There is no greater pleasure than the sight of duplicitous gits in a state of apoplexy.

Their hatred of poor whites has given you the token victory you craved.

I'm sure you will enjoy your day.