May 30, 2009

Diversity ...Britain's got taste

I'm so pleased these dudes won the freak show..
They are stunning to watch.

Common Sense

I'm fed up with the quality of modern thinking.... So I thought I would reread something by a great thinker.

I recommend Thomas Paine to everyone.

May 29, 2009

Life on my own planet

At present I'm staying drunk etc.. and listening to Satie.

May 21, 2009

Bilberry Bread

I can't be bothered with politics and economics at the moment, I've got a bread machine.

I tried baking once, a long time ago and found it messy and the result disappointed. But this is brill! No fuss, no mess and tasty bread any style I choose.

Right now I'm eating bilberry bread made with all those bilberries I froze last year and it is great.

I'm even putting weight on, which is a novelty for me.... although I imagine that could wear thin.

May 11, 2009

Westminster thieves

I've enjoyed this week's exposure of MP's greedy expenses claims.

The best bit is their excuse that they "were just following orders", sorry "rules".

This tragically shows that many people cannot distinguish between right and wrong, only legal and illegal.

Should a beggar pity his Master? maybe.

May 6, 2009

No IDea

Jacqui Smith just can't help herself (apart from to other peoples' money that is). Today she insists on introducing ID cards even though millions of us just won't comply.

Oh well, I suppose some people just can't resist the urge to control others.

And just to make sure she looks doubly stupid she's now banned nasty, shock-jock nutter Michael Savage from the Country.

Jacqui, you just don't get it, do you...

May 1, 2009

May Day Mayday!

This household is now a fully fucked up member of the Depression...

Nobody works here anymore....

It should prove interesting, if not pleasant.