Sep 26, 2008

Vive La France!

Why do Yanks laugh at the French?

Is it their health?

Is it their great food?

Is it their 35 hour week with long holidays?

Is their amazing efficiency and production?

Is it their education?

Is it their philosophy?

There is alot to laugh at regarding the French...

But why do Yanks laugh at them?

dear banksters

Sep 22, 2008

Blair's Babes, Brown's Bastards..

"A striking feature of the mini-rebellion that started only a week ago last Friday was the preponderance of woman who came out in support of the move by Siobhain McDonagh - the government whip whose resignation got the ball rolling.

That’s been continued with the replies today of a survey in the Independent’s of all members of the Cabinet. Apart from John Hutton, a long-standing Brown-doubter, Hazel Blears, Jacqui Smith and Ruth Kelly were the only ones not prepared to answer the question “Is Gordon Brown the right person to lead Labour into the next General Election?”"(politicalbetting)

Unfortunately for them, there is no alternative.

Sep 21, 2008

Short Selling

I have no problem with short selling long as those lending the shares own them....

Pension and other saving funds should not be allowed to lend shares.... got that you thieving Spivs!

Professor Michael Reiss

Professor Michael Reiss is no longer the education director of the Royal Society - the national academy of science of the UK and the Commonwealth .

The reason for this is that during a debate he said,

‘An increasing percentage of children in the UK come from families that do not accept the scientific version of the history of the universe and the evolution of species. What are we to do with those children? My experience after having tried to teach biology for 20 years is if one simply gives the impression that such children are wrong, then they are not likely to learn much about the science that one really wants them to learn. I think a better way forward is to say to them “look, I simply want to present you with the scientific understanding of the history of the universe and how animals and plants and other organisms evolved”.’

Blasphemy... in the dimwit science world. He had to go...

Now I am very saddened that godless England is being jampacked with religious immigrants because it will only end in blood and tears.

What I don't understand though is why anyone cares where we came from?

Created or evolved...? So What!

Evolution is the most pointless subject in all of science!

Evolution only creates debate/argument, (gas chambers) ,there are no medicines or bridges , .....there's nothing at all to be gained from believing in it.

As far as I'm concerned it is on the same level as believing in aliens or not.

oh well, as usual I seem to be the third party in a two way debate.....

Sep 15, 2008

"Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction"

Warren Buffet spoke these words in 2003 and it's been common knowledge that one day it would all implode.

I get no great pleasure watching the banks and insurers crash, I know the evil parasites have already stolen their fortunes.

I also know that we are either ruled by bankers or bureaucrats....what a choice.

Time for a pint.

Sep 8, 2008

Fannie and Freddie

As the old adage goes...

If you owe a $1000, you're in trouble.

If you owe a $1,000,000, the're in trouble.

If you owe the Chinese hundreds of billions, hey, you're back in trouble.

Sep 2, 2008

The Roma Gypsies

The Roma are an oppressed people mainly found in East Europe.

They have been oppressed by the good folk of Europe ever since they arrived.

Their story is a sorry tale.

Briefly,... When (converted to Islam) slave traders were banned from enslaving fellow muslims, they turned their eyes to India and enslaved Hindu villagers.

Many died on the enforced journey through the Hindu Kush (Hindu Killer) but some did escape the caravans.

Those that did escape became perpetual migrants, forced to live the life of the unwanted; travel became their norm.

The descendants of these "slaves" are still oppressed in many parts of Europe, often reduced to poverty and crime.

On the 16th of this month there will be an EU conference regarding the Roma Gypsies.

Lets hope these long standing Europeans will be given more than just hope.

Sep 1, 2008

Tak You!

Tiger Putin makes me laugh, in much the same way that miaow Miliband makes me weep.

Compared to Celebrity Hero Putin, the calibre of Britain's leadership is pathetic.

Wouldn't it be nice if our Politicians had some knowledge of history before introducing their New World Order upon the planet.

Hey Vlad. What were doing in combat gear with a tranquiliser gun in your hands?