Jan 27, 2009

Donner Kebabs and Closing pubs.

Hic.. I've just done my bit for the British pub industry by propping up a few empty bars for the afternoon.

Smoking alone outside in grey, dank, dreary January is hell on Earth.
A couple of pubs have died which brought back ye olde memories...

I was 'specially reminded of the early 80's when the town centre lost all its classic pubs. They had great names and architecture from times of yore.. I still miss the Lord Nelson and the Volunteer (a cheesy grebo/biker pub).

Anyway, many pints create hungry tums. So in respect to Mahmut Aygün (c.1921-2009), the Berlin, Turkish inventor of the modern donner kebab, I Knew exactly what to eat for supper.
(although I'm pretty sure meat 'n' salad sandwich is as old as farming: and a Brit donner is far more ugly than a European donner).

So it was to my utter amusement that the news told me that donner kebabs, contains alot of salt (this is a good thing when drunk, and only after alot of fluid would anyone eat this erm, formatted god knows what). And tons of other nasties...

Hilariously, a warning was given to Muslims that many donners claiming to be halal contained pork. (yeah right, as if they get pissed enough to eat this shit!).

Oh well....

Depression tip.
Buy a few pittas (nice bread if you can) before going out. When you buy the donner get lots of extra meat (it only costs a few bob).

You can now eat donner kebab for an extra day!

Jan 26, 2009

Cannabis is a naughty herb.

Cannabis is upgraded to a Class B drug today.
Gordon Brown and Jacqui Smith have in the vast wilderness of their illiberal ignorance decided that dope heads need to suffer.
I think extra hard spanks, nipple clamps and a long stretch in gaol is their favoured punishment.
Oh well, I suppose turning Britain into an open prison whilst fucking up the economy is a struggle for such soulless drones.
It wouldn't occur to such morons that legalising all drugs would pull us out of recession in a jolt.
So when your pissed off with your shit life, don't have a spliff and mellow out, stick to alcohol, 'cos when ye drink you get angry, and when you get angry you get violent, and then you riot.

Jan 25, 2009

Depression Tip.

Buy a gas mask!

As this young Irish youth shows, riots are much more fun when you can slip on a gas mask.

Jan 24, 2009

Iceland calls Elections

People power in Iceland has claimed Europe's first Government.

Of course it doesn't really matter, Iceland and Capitalism are broken.

Seeing as neither will be fixed for a long while, they'll be back.

Still, they can take a break and wait for better weather.

Jan 23, 2009

Shock News! Recession is Official

"The UK has nothing to sell." Jim Rogers.
In the 1970's and 80's Britain was rife with class war.
The Right gained power in 1979 and used all the weapons of the State to destroy the organised working class.
The solution was simple, to destroy the working class one must destroy their industries.
This was no problem of course because the slack could be taken up with the smoke and mirror world of international finance.
The logic was simple; under capitalism it is preferable to be a money changer rather than a miner or engineer.
There is little left...
Get ready to Rock!

Jan 21, 2009

Riots and Rebellion

Snowball riots look fun..

Bulgaria, Lithuania and Iceland joined the party this week.

Rubber bullets and tear gas are in vogue.

Just wait 'till it really warms up.

Jan 20, 2009

Where is the Economic Recovery?

There you are....

Psst... want to buy a bank? or maybe Ireland?

Jan 16, 2009

Riga Riots

And so it begins..
After Greece last month Latvia indulged in a bit of expression on Tuesday.
Approximately 1,000 of the 10,000 protesters, many of whom were young, went on a rampage, breaking into the Latvias Balzams liquor store, breaking windows and overturning cars, and attempting to get into the building where the parliament has its sessions.
The police moved against those engaged in violence, sending some to the hospital and arresting 106. But what disturbed many in Latvia and probably elsewhere is that at least some of the police demonstrated their sympathies with the protesters by refusing to move against them, a development that could embolden the radical opposition.
Riots will become commonplace in Europe this year.
This year the UK will have more graduates than ever before but the number of jobs available will decline dramatically. Hopefully this will encourage some of them to stop doing "feely feely" and do some "thinky thinky" for a change....

Happy Rioting.

Jan 7, 2009

Cold War

Russia and the Ukraine are playing cruel games.

I don't care who is right or wrong.

Fight this war in the summer.

Jan 6, 2009

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas..

The tree is down and I am sober...

And the world looks either cruel or dreary..

At least the temperature is a very pleasant just below freezing, perfect for the mind and appreciation of radiant heat from the wood burner.