Sep 26, 2008

Vive La France!

Why do Yanks laugh at the French?

Is it their health?

Is it their great food?

Is it their 35 hour week with long holidays?

Is their amazing efficiency and production?

Is it their education?

Is it their philosophy?

There is alot to laugh at regarding the French...

But why do Yanks laugh at them?


The Fool said...

I laugh at the convolutions of the intelligentsia...from Lacan, to Foucault...Derrida....Deleuze...and to wherever they think they're going with that amusing thought train. That, and the notion that they act like 1968 is right around the corner. Terrific trickle down theory...start with loonies, and then...


Anonymous said...

I must admit we Brits love to laugh at French philosophy.

Derrida's a joke even in France!