Jul 19, 2008

Darling, Tax and Drugs

Legalise all drugs now. Think of the exorbitant tax revenues!

It is immoral to legally let drink ruin lives and tobacco kill relentlessly whilst fighting a phoney war on other substances of abuse.

Crime could also be dramatically be reduced in a stroke, and lets face it, more folk are going to need something to cheer themselves up in the near future.

Jul 6, 2008

Knife Crime

It's summer!

Just when I was expecting a load of pervert baiting from the rags and the BoreBC, it appears that knife crime will be our summer panic this year.. (Obviously not enough guns being used).

As a someone who comes from an age when carrying and using a knife (or screwdriver) really was common, I find this hysteria almost amusing.

I noted many years ago that Journos and other middle class kids live their childhood so sheltered that it really does come as a shock when they discover the brutality of many poor folks' early lives.

p.s. For extra hospital time the wound would sometimes be splintered, this requires rough wood being inserted into the wound to cause infection... Just don't tell the press.