Hic.. I've just done my bit for the British pub industry by propping up a few empty bars for the afternoon.
Smoking alone outside in grey, dank, dreary January is hell on Earth.
A couple of pubs have died which brought back ye olde memories...
I was 'specially reminded of the early 80's when the town centre lost all its classic pubs. They had great names and architecture from times of yore.. I still miss the Lord Nelson and the Volunteer (a cheesy grebo/biker pub).
Anyway, many pints create hungry tums. So in respect to Mahmut Aygün (c.1921-2009), the Berlin, Turkish inventor of the modern donner kebab, I Knew exactly what to eat for supper.
(although I'm pretty sure meat 'n' salad sandwich is as old as farming: and a Brit donner is far more ugly than a European donner).
So it was to my utter amusement that the news told me that donner kebabs, contains alot of salt (this is a good thing when drunk, and only after alot of fluid would anyone eat this erm, formatted god knows what). And tons of other nasties...
Hilariously, a warning was given to Muslims that many donners claiming to be halal contained pork. (yeah right, as if they get pissed enough to eat this shit!).
Oh well....
Depression tip.
Buy a few pittas (nice bread if you can) before going out. When you buy the donner get lots of extra meat (it only costs a few bob).
You can now eat donner kebab for an extra day!
You"ve got me...it's as foreign as Marmite to me...a Donner, eh?
Well, we've got effen Spam (yeah, I know it was your boys who made the mystery meat infamous in song). And up here...we have muktuk. Figure that one out.
Hi Terry.
Hi Fool,
Oh you've missed in life if you've not experienced the donner!
Muktuk, mmm, at least it sounds honest.
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