Oh dear Mervyn King,
Slowly but surely grim reality is sinking in. According to the Guv'ner (don't use the D word), there is a significant risk that the recession will be even longer and deeper than expected.
That's bad news Merv 'cos I thought it would last years...
The reasons are simple dude: The debt/credit fantasy was just that.
The world has far too many new proletariat for capitalism to handle.
Technology has insured that most of the world's working class don't really have anything useful to do.
Mervyn, I still don't think most of the world gets it. We're stuck and nukes ruin the usual escape method.
Madness awaits us all.
"Someone"* once said that capitalism would be its own undoing. Hmmmm.
* Is it okay to use the "m-word" around here?
Hi Fool,
From Mad Marx to Nasty Nietzsche.
It's all fine with me.
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